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Data columns

The Customer Fields app uses data columns to serve data for each customer record. These data columns allow the app to filter, format and import/export customer data in a reliable fashion. There are two main ways to create data columns:

  • via the Form builder in the app admin
  • via the Data columns page in the app admin


Generally speaking, a data column needs to exist in order for the app to save any data for a customer. Data columns are created automatically when adding fields in the app’s form builder, but you can manually create them under the data columns tab.

Each data column has the following attributes:

  • Label: A human friendly name for the data column.
  • Namespace: A machine friendly reference to a metafield namespace in Shopify.
  • Key: A unique, machine friendly name for referencing the data column.
  • Data type: Indicates the type of data being stored.

Data types

  • Text: Used for generic multi-line strings of letters & numbers
  • Single line text: Used for a string excluding newlines
  • Integer: Used for whole numbers
  • Float: Used for numbers that contain decimals
  • Boolean: Used for true/false values
  • Date: Used for dates (ISO 8601 without a time of day) i.e. 2020-03-19
  • Datetime: Used for dates (ISO 8601 with time of day) i.e. 2020-03-19T18:08:27.185Z
  • Email: Used for email addresses
  • Phone: Used for phone numbers (E.164) i.e. +12535551234
  • File: Used for file uploads
  • List: Used to store multiple values in a single row (array)
  • Group: Used to store an object of data (e.g. default_address)
  • Group List: Used to store a list of objects

Group and children data columns

You can setup your data under a specific group data type to help organize data under a single key. This is accomplished by creating a single data column with the type “group” and adding additional columns that begin with the parent’s key followed by a period and child key.


Example data columns:

Key Data type Label
dog group Dog text Dog name
dog.breed text Dog breed
dog.age number Dog age

When getting or setting this data, it results in a data structure as a nested JSON object:

"customer": {
  "first_name": "Kevin",
  "last_name": "Scott",
  "email": "",
  "dog": {
    "name": "Snoop",
    "breed": "Corgi",
    "age": 4

File type

The file type is very similar to the group type due to its data structure. However, files have a pre-defined set of children data columns contained within them. Here’s an example:

"file": {
  "name": "my-file.jpg",
  "extension": "jpg",
  "type": "image/jpg",
  "size": 321536, // ~314 KB
  "url": ""

Group list

The same principle applies to the group_list data type:

Key Data type Label
dogs group_list Dogs text Dog name
dogs.breed text Dog breed
dogs.age number Dog age


"customer": {
  "first_name": "Elvis",
  "last_name": "Presley",
  "email": "",
  "dogs": [
      "name": "Sammy",
      "breed": "German Shepard",
      "age": 5
      "name": "Barky",
      "breed": "Lab",
      "age": 3
      "name": "Snout",
      "breed": "Pug",
      "age": 4

Shopify data columns

There are many static data columns that connect the dots to native Shopify functionality. You can find a full list in the app, on our data columns page. When submitting data linked to these columns, it’s important to ensure your data is in the correct format. Otherwise, you might run into errors (which you can learn more about here.)

Next up: Metafields

Have any questions or comments about this post? Let us know! Your feedback is greatly appreciated.

Customer Fields is a Shopify app made by Helium.

Copyright © Helium Development, LLC